SUMO is a leisure-wear apparel brand devoted to keeping every customer comfortable, relaxed and balanced with each piece of clothing they wear. The focus on balance is meaningful to us because we launched the brand literally one week before the Coronavirus pandemic was declared!

Starting our journey essentially off balance...we decided to stop advertising and push our store launch to an undefined later date. With the abundance of free time obtained, we used that opportunity to perfect our approach to delivering the best experience to our future customers. We tested materials, ordered hundreds of samples in every color imaginable, we then washed, ironed, stretched and beat our products to hell.
Finally we got the formula right and took the leap of faith to open 5 long months later in August of 2020. Our first month was tough but it was so rewarding to see the first few customers place their orders, receive their items and start writing brutally honest reviews.
From there, our orders picked up rapidly and our shelves overflowedith (*sp) with goodies which quickly started selling out before we could restock!
Our best selling joggers got more popular, more comfortable and we introduced shorts.

The smiling SUMO logo got super popular and we shipped over 2,000 orders to 49/50 US states & Europe!

With the recent success and overcoming several challenges, we're reinvesting into our products and focusing on delivering the best quality and stellar customer experiences.